User Guide

Hello, and again, welcome to Helveg, an extensible library and a .NET tool for software visualization.

This User Guide is for the users of the .NET tool. If you're interested in Helveg, the library, please go to the Extensibility section of the docs.

Please note that this guide is currently targeting Helveg v0.12.0 and will be updated to 0.13.0 soon.

# Installation

Helveg analyzes a C# codebase and outputs an interactive visualization, a single HTML file with everything in it, that you can play with, send to your colleagues, or even include in your documentation.

# Usage

  1. Install Helveg from as a global .NET tool.

    dotnet tool install -g helveg
  2. Invoke Helveg on a C# codebase of your choice.

  3. Open the output file. By default, it is created in the current working directory and is called index.html.

# Requirements

# CLI Options

The command-line tool available from, comes with a range of options that modify the resulting output.

Name Value Meaning
-v, --verbose Outputs information useful for debugging.
-f, --force Overwrites cached results.
-p, --properties <key=value> Sets an MSBuild property. Can be passed multiple times.
-pa, --project-analysis AnalysisScope The scope of project analysis.
-ea, --external-analysis AnalysisScope The scope of external dependency analysis.
-m, --mode UIMode UI mode to use.
-n, --name <name> Name of the visualization. Uses SOURCE's file name by default.
-o, --out <out> Name of the output HTML file. index.html by default.
--outdir <outdir> Output directory. Current working directory by default.
--styledir <styledir> Output subdirectory for CSS stylesheets. styles by default.
--scriptdir <scriptdir> Output subdirectory for JS scripts. scripts by default.
--icondir <icondir> Output subdirectory for icon files. icons by default.
--no-restore Do not invoke the Restore target.
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information.

# Analysis Scope

# UI Mode

# User Interface

After a successful analysis of a codebase, Helveg outputs an interactive visualization, usually in a single HTML, that anyone with a modern web browser can open and inspect.

The user interface consists of several parts:

Screenshot of Helveg's user interface.

# Panels

Panels are pieces of UI that contain various controls and data. They are all accessible from a bar on the right side of the screen.

# Data Panel

Allows to filter the data that takes part in the visualization. This panel also contains options specific to C#.

For any change in this panel to take effect, the Refresh button needs to be triggered. Afterwards, the entire diagram is laid out again using TidyTree.

This panel allows filtering of nodes through one of three methods:

The last search mode, JS expression, is by far the most powerful. It allows you to seek out nodes based on their properties, which you can view using the Show Properties tool.

For example, to filter out record types, you only need to type in:


And to seek out method with a lot of parameters, use:

ParameterCount >= 10;

No matter the search mode, the search expression can be used by two operations:

# Layout Panel

Contains options pertaining to layout algorithms used to position the nodes of the diagram.

# Appearance Panel

Contains settings affecting the appearance of the diagram, especially the glyphs.

# Tools Panel

Allows you to configure behavior of tools.

# Properties Panel

If a node is selected, displays metadata about that node.

# Document Panel

Contains information about the document such as the creation date and the version of Helveg used to create it.

This panel allows the user to export the current view of the diagram as a PNG image.

# Guide Panel

Serves as a cheat sheet that briefly explains the user interface.

# Tools

# Layout

Helveg uses two algorithms to lay out the diagram:

# TidyTree

Produces a radial tree, similar to a dendrogram, which conveys information of a hierarchy. The root of the tree is in the middle and its children span out in a circle. It is laid out almost instantly, however, it tends to lead to a hairball, when used with multiple relations at once.

# ForceAtlas2

Jacomy M, Venturini T, Heymann S, Bastian M (2014) ForceAtlas2, a Continuous Graph Layout Algorithm for Handy Network Visualization Designed for the Gephi Software. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98679.

A force-directed graph drawing algorithm. Put simply, it pretends that nodes are physical objects that either attract or repel one another. With enough time, it can lead to pretty readable results. For faster results use the button to run the algorithm in the background.

The amount of time required for the graph to look somewhat decent can be quite prohibitive with larger graphs, especially with non-performant hardware.

Use the filtering options in the Data panel and the tools available to display only a subset of nodes that are relevant to you, and only then use ForceAtlas2.

# Glyphs

Glyphs are the nodes of the diagram displayed by Helveg. The term Glyph comes from data visualization, where it is a visual element capable of conveying data with multiple dimensions.

Helveg's glyphs consist of several parts:

# Icons

In the middle of the glyph is an icon that represents the kind of the C# entity. Helveg uses the same icons as Microsoft's Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. This is done deliberately, since the typical programmer in C# is likely already familiar with these icons.

Based on the kind of the entity, and its TypeKind in case of types, a glyph can have one of the following icons:

Icon Meaning
A Visual Studio solution (.sln file).
An MSBuild C# project (.csprojfile).
An external source of libraries. A fallback container for MSBuild Reference items.
An MSBuild FrameworkReference. A group of libraries typically imported by an SDK (e.g., Microsoft.NET.Sdk).
A NuGet package repository.
A NuGet package.
A library. Typically, contains an assembly.
An assembly.
An assembly module.
A C# namespace.
A C# type (e.g., class, struct, delegate, or interface).
A type parameter of a type or a method.
A type's field member.
A type's method member.
A type's property member.
A type's event member.
A method's parameter.

Furthermore, Helveg also portrays symbol accessibility through icons. For example, in case of classes:

Icon Accessibility

# Outlines

A glyph can have up to three outlines. Each outline has a different meaning. The following rules determine the presence of each outline:

If the analysis scope is set to All, the outermost outline will be present on all types, since all types have the static constructor.

# Patterns

Based on these rules, several glyph patterns emerge. Based on their appearance, I call them the following:

# Effects

Glyphs can also have animated effects surrounding them. Helveg contains two such effects:

# C# Options

The Data panel also contains C#-specific configuration.

# Relations

The analyzed relations are the following:

Relation Default color Meaning
An entity declares another. For example: a class type declares a method.
A class inherits from another class or implements an interface.
A property/field/event/parameter is of a certain type.
A method returns a certain type.
A method/property override a base method/property.
A property is associated with its getter and setter, backing field with an auto-property, etc.
A project dependency on another project or an external library.

# Kinds

For each C# entity kind there are two options: Include and Auto-expand. Include allows you to display or not to display certain entity kinds. Auto-expand expands nodes of a kind as if with the Toggle tool.

The Include option allows you to filter out entity kinds that you're not interested in. Modules, for instance, provide almost no informational value, since in vast amount of cases, an assembly only has one module. Multifile assemblies are the exception.